Last night I enjoyed some Swedish strawberries and a cup of coffee on my new front porch.
söndag 30 maj 2010
Lycky me!
I was so lucky in the Mixa & Matcha 4 swap to get Camilla from Örebro as my exchange buddy. She sent me a wonderful package full of goodies and she'd given it a lot of thought. There was a note-book and I love notebooks. This one is so summery- my favourite season. There was blue Faerytale-yarn to crochet a love-knot shawl. Blue is one of my favourite colours and I want to understand crochet-patterns better. Then you can see a ball of Regia sock-yarn in the British colours and I love Great Britain and English. Red is also my favourite colour and there were two light red skeins. They can be knit into a nice shawl. I was in great need of stitch markers and here they were - two blue little angels made by Ulrica Rymal. There was also some yummy chocolate and cardemom coffee. And Camilla - my husband loves knitted and chrocheted dish-cloths, so thank you! It was all spot-on!
It is Mother's day and Grandma's Day today and I suggested something to my daughter and here it is - my hexagon-bag.
There was a third package this weekend. I ordered something from Stickfrossa's new webshop. I liked the pattern on the fabric so much. I think it was a Kaffe Fassett fabric.

Last night I enjoyed some Swedish strawberries and a cup of coffee on my new front porch.
Vilken helg! Jag har fått tre paket. Ett av min bytes-kompis i Mixa & Matcha; Camilla i Örebro. Hon hade tänkt ut fantastiskt fina saker. Sen fick jag en hexagon-väska av min dotter i Mors Dags-present. Så hade jag själv beställt ett stick-fodral i Kaffe Fassett-tyg från Stickfrossas nya web-shop. Sist men inte minst så har jag smakat skånska jordgubbar sittandes på min nya lilla uteplats på framsidan.
Last night I enjoyed some Swedish strawberries and a cup of coffee on my new front porch.
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3 kommentarer:
Vilken härlig helg du har haft! Väskan är hur fin som helst. Hon är duktig, do´teran din.
/Ha en skön, kreativ, regnig söndag!
Vilka fina paket.
Jag hoppas att du inte försökt baka kladdkakan utan mjöl. Nu är receptet korrigerat.
Vad jag blir :-), att ge bort något som gläjder en annan människa är ju såå roligt.
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